Faculty Annual Activities Evaluation

, which reflect professional development, are recorded yearly and are important determinants in tenure and promotion decisions. This form is due to faculty members' unit administrators by May 15, to the Dean's office no later than June 1, to the Provost's Office no later than July 1, and should cover accomplishments in the areas of teaching, scholarship and professional development, and service to the University from May 1 through April 30 of the respective year.

The , completed by the chair/unit administrator, takes into consideration the responses from the Annual Faculty Activities and Assessment report. This form is due to each Dean by July 31 and to the Provost no later than October 1.

Evaluation of Faculty members is done yearly to provide feedback to faculty to facilitate their professional development; and to evaluate faculty members for merit pay increases, promotion to the next academic rank, and the granting of tenure.

Faculty are evaluated yearly by their chair/unit administrator. The evaluation is in three areas: teaching effectiveness, scholarship and professional development, and university service. Information for this evaluation comes from yearly faculty activities reports and other sources of information faculty may choose to provide. Ratings in each of the areas are combined to provide a total rating. The ratings are used in making merit, tenure, and promotion decisions.

After the chair/unit administrator arrives at an evaluation, it is discussed with the faculty member, who may dispute some or all of the evaluation in writing and send this to the college dean. The college dean reviews the evaluation (and attached comments by the faculty member), and either concurs with the chair/unit administrator's evaluation or changes the evaluation. If the evaluation is changed, the college dean must notify the chair/unit administrator and faculty immediately and provide reasons for the change. The college dean's evaluation is sent to the Provost who may approve or change the evaluation. If the evaluation is changed, the Provost must notify the college dean, the chair/unit administrator, and the faculty member and provide reasons for the change.

Faculty should keep both their yearly faculty activities reports and their yearly evaluations. This information will present a central part of their portfolio for tenure and promotion as well as post-tenure review.


Teaching Effectiveness

Teaching effectiveness is assessed by a review of the basic facts of a faculty member's teaching career, courses taught, course research, courses planned and revised. The IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction which measures student perception of faculty teaching is administered in the classes of all faculty . Chairs/unit administrator's are expected to use the information provided by this scale judiciously, taking into account class size, whether courses are required or are electives, and whether the students are majors or non-majors. Particular attention is paid to broadly stated questions (i.e. overall teaching effectiveness). Simple ranking of faculty according to their scores is avoided, and, unless faculty scores deviate by one standard deviation above or below the average for the faculty as a whole, individual items are not used to designate a professor's performance as inferior or superior. In lieu of scores significantly higher or lower than the university average, ratings are taken at face value.

Professional Development

Although the primary activity required of the faculty is teaching, the university expects a faculty member to continue to develop professionally beyond the award of the terminal degree. Information recorded on the Faculty Activities Report is used to evaluate a faculty member's professional development. Activities which contribute to a positive rating in this area include research and scholarly projects, application for the award of grants, preparation of work for publication, presentation of work at professional conferences, and publication of professional work. In addition, participation in professional organizations, holding office in such organization and attendance at professional meetings can be expected to enhance evaluations in the area of professional development. Faculty members are encouraged to review their professional activities proactively at the beginning of each academic year with their division chair to determine the evaluation they could expect if they were successful in completing their planned activities. If the provisional evaluation is not satisfactory to the faculty member, he/she may request that the chair/unit administrator provide a description of additional activities or accomplishments that would raise the ratings to an acceptable level.

University Service

In addition to teaching, the university expects the faculty to serve as advisors to students, keep regular office hours, serve on committees, and attend scheduled meetings, functions, and graduation ceremonies. Chairs/unit administrator evaluate the faculty member's university service based on activities summarized in the yearly Faculty Activities Report. Activities which are considered when faculty are evaluated include: serving as department/school chair, service as the chair of a committee, developing a campus program; active involvement in the form of sponsorship of student organizations; research and independent study projects and internships; serving as a director of a campus program or an advisor to a large number of students; participating in activities with students (specified); serving on committees; and participating in admissions functions, campus programs, or telethons.

As in the area of professional development, faculty can ask for a provisional evaluation (prior to the actual one) in this area, and ask for suggestions by the chair/unit administrator or dean about how to improve the evaluation.