Acute Upper Respiratory Symptoms

Any student who develops nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, cough, fever, or chills is asked to call the Student Health Center immediately to undergo a provider evaluation and testing.  During that appointment the provider will determine if testing is indicated for upper respiratory illnesses to include COVID-19, Flu, Strep and/or mono. 

If you have any of the above symptoms, please contact the Student Health Center at 904-256-8080 or contact your personal healthcare provider. 

The Student Health Center will advise you on self-isolation, masking, and symptom management. 

Self-Isolation includes the following:

  • Self-isolate at home (or in your on-campus housing assignment).
  • Stay in your room as much as possible and wear a mask when around others.
  • When leaving your room to access the bathroom or kitchen it is recommended to wear a face mask.
  • If you need to access the dining hall, consider wearing a face mask, and take your food 鈥渢o go鈥�.  You can sit outside if you ensure you are 6 feet from others or go back to your room to eat.
  • If you have an on-campus job, please notify your employer you cannot work due to your illness.
  • If you miss class due to an illness, please contact your professor.
  • If you are a student-athlete, please let your coach know of your need to miss athletic involvement due to illness.

Consider purchasing the following items to have on hand if you are ill with upper respiratory symptoms.

  • Tissues.
  • Hand sanitizer (at least 60% alcohol).
  • Fluids such as tea, bottled water, Gatorade, packets of ramen noodles or chicken soup, and juice (it is VERY important to stay hydrated).
  • A disposable or digital thermometer.
  • Salt for saltwater gargling for sore throat.
  • Honey鈥攎ixed in tea for sore throat and to soothe coughs.
  • Throat lozenges for sore throat.
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for fever and body aches. 
    Follow dosing guidelines carefully to avoid excessive amounts.  
  • Nasal irrigation wash with saline solution.
  • Phenylephrine or other over the counter nasal decongestants.
  • Ensure you have snacks or comfort food you enjoy when not feeling well.  
  • Eat regular meals and drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get at least 8 hours of sleep per day.
  • Find a way to keep active, even if it is in your room.  
  • Open your windows and get fresh air when you can.  
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking/vaping, and recreational drug use.
  • Individuals with a competent immune system may return to campus activities when they are
    • without fever for 24 hours without a fever reducing agent:
      • Acetaminophen (i.e., Tylenol),
      • Ibuprofen (i.e., Advil), or
      • Multi-symptom medication that contains acetaminophen or ibuprofen (i.e., Dayquil/Nyquil),
  • AND their symptoms of an acute upper respiratory virus (nasal congestion, runny nose, headache, body aches, and cough) have improved.  

  • Regardless of vaccination status, if you have been exposed to COVID but don't currently have any symptoms, it is recommended that you monitor for developing symptoms (nasal congestion, runny nose, fever, headache, cough, body aches, and/or fatigue). 
  • If you develop symptoms, isolate yourself and contact the Student Health Center immediately at (904) 256-8080 to schedule an appointment.
  • While supplies last, the SHC is offering free COVID-19 rapid antigen testing for all symptomatic students who are evaluated by a SHC Provider.
  • PCR testing is also available through the SHC for a cost of $80. 
  • For more information regarding available testing and pricing, please contact the SHC.

Student Health Center

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Student Health Center

Office location

Health Sciences Complex
5491 Dolphin Point Blvd
Suite #1300
Jacksonville, FL 32211

Telephone number (OTD)

(904) 256-8080

Email address