Bachelor of ScienceCellular and Molecular Biology

A young woman in a lab coat and safety goggles uses a red pipette at a lab bench with bottles, containers, and scientific equipment.
A student scientist in a lab coat and safety goggles works with petri dishes at a lab bench, wearing blue gloves.

About the CMB Major

The CMB major is a scaffolded program of coursework and laboratory training that spans molecular biology, genetics, cell biology, and biochemistry, enabling students to develop both highly-desirable knowledge and skills for a variety of careers.

In addition to the university core, students earning a Bachelor of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology must complete 13 credit hours of biology core classes, 27 credit hours of upper-level specialty courses, and a series of allied courses in chemistry, mathematics, and physics. Within the overall guidelines set by the major, students take a prescribed set of courses that prepare them for graduate and professional programs or careers with a cellular and molecular focus.

Relevant skills covered in the CMB major include:

  • Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
  • Genetic transformation of bacteria
  • Purification and analysis of proteins and DNA using a wide array of techniques
  • Gene and protein sequence analysis
  • Human and bacterial cell culturing
  • Primary literature analysis
  • Generating, analyzing, and presenting data in a variety of formats

Experiential LearningReal World Skills

A professor and student posing in front of posters in the Davis College of Business & Technology foyer.

Potential CAreer Pathways

  • Laboratory technician
  • Biomedical scientist
  • Forensic scientist
  • Quality Control scientist
  • Research scientist in biomedicine and drug discovery
  • Geneticist
  • Pharmacist
  • Medical Doctor
  • Veterinarian
  • Dentist


Contact Us

Dr. Kara Conway

Associate Professor of Biology

Office location  Reid Medical Science Building, 217

Dr. Anthony Ouellette

Professor of Biology and Chemistry

Office location  Reid Medical Science Building, 213

Dr. William F. Penwell

Associate Professor of Biology

Office location  Reid Medical Science Building, 209

Ready to Dive In?

Take the first step in earning your degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology (CMB) by submitting your JU application today.

Apply Now

Contact Information Department of Biology and Marine Science

Phone: (904) 256-7766

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